



Summer is a time for both you and your pets to enjoy the sunshine and outdoors but along with the fun, 这个季节也可能会出现危及你的宠物的情况. By taking precautions, you can decrease the chance that a disaster will happen. Here are some tips for pets owners to keep their furry friends safe this summer:

  • 把你的宠物留在停着的车里一段时间. Every summer, animals left in the parked cars suffer brain damage and die from heatstroke. 在一个风雨交加的日子里,即使窗户都裂开了, the temperature in a car can reach 120 degrees in a matter of minutes. Dogs and cats can't perspire and can only dispel heat by panting and through the pads of their feet. 如果你在夏天看到停在车里的动物, 提醒购物中心或杂货店的管理人员. If the owner, doesn't not return promptly call your local animal control of police department. 本短片由善待动物组织(www.善待动物组织.org)

  • 如果你打算在夏天和你的宠物一起旅行, 花点时间提前为你毛茸茸的朋友们做准备. 许多航空公司都有夏季宠物禁令, 大多数火车, 除了服务性动物外,船上不允许养宠物.
  • Provide plenty of water and shade for your pets while they're enjoying the great outdoors so they can stay cool at all times.
  • 即使天气很热,宠物也需要锻炼,就像我们一样. Take extra care with older dogs, short-nosed dogs and those with thick coats. 在非常炎热的天气里,把锻炼时间限制在清晨或傍晚. Keep in mind that asphalt gets very hot and can burn your pet's paws.
  • 人们和他们的宠物花更多的时间在户外, 狗咬人的情况在夏季更有可能增加. Spaying and neutering your dogs reduces the likelihood that he/she will bite and provides many other health benefits.
  • 确保你的宠物是 总是 戴着项圈,带着身份标签,持有县犬牌照. If you are separated from your pet and tag ID is that may be his/her ticket back home. Please make sure your information is up to date (address and phone numbers).
  • Check with your veterinarian to see if your pets should be taking heartworm prevention medication. Heartworm disease is transmitted by mosquitoes, can be fatal in both dogs and cats.
    另一个夏季威胁是跳蚤和蜱虫. 只使用兽医建议的跳蚤和蜱虫治疗方法. 一些非处方跳蚤和蜱虫产品可能有毒, 即使是按照说明书使用.
  • 宠物和游泳池可能会带来灾难. 防止自由进入游泳池,并始终监督游泳池中的宠物.
    Summer is often a time when people fertilize their lawns and work in their gardens. But beware: plant food, fertilizers and insecticides can be fatal if you pet ingests them.
  • 不 take your pets to a crowned summer events such as concerts or fairs. The loud noises and crowds, combined with the heat can be stressful and dangerous for the pets. 为了你宠物的健康,把他/她留在家里. Be especially aware of these threats during holidays, such as Fourth of July.


In many areas, winter is a season of bitter cold and numbing wetness. Help your pet remain happy and healthy during the cold months by the following these simple guidelines:

  • 气温下降时不要把狗留在室外. Most dogs and all cats are safer indoors, except when taken out for exercise. 不管什么季节, 短毛, 非常年轻的, or old dogs and all cats should never be left outside without supervision. Short coated dogs may feel more comfortable wearing a sweater during walls.
  • No matter what the temperature, wind chill can threaten a pet's life. 狗或猫在室内是最快乐和健康的. If you have outdoor animals the best thing for you to do is provide them shelter in your garage. Taking them from one extreme condition to another can make them sick.
    The salt and other chemicals used to melt snow and ice can irritate the pads of your pet's feet. Wipe the feet with a damp towel before your pets lick them and irritate his/her mouth.
  • Antifreeze is deadly poison: it has a sweet taste that may attract animals and children. 擦去溢出的液体,并将防冻液存放在够不到的地方. If you use antifreeze-coolant made with propylene glycol: if swallowed in small amounts, 它不会伤害宠物, 野生动物还是你的家人.
    Warm engines in parted cars attract cats and small wildlife, which may crawl underneath the hood. 以避免伤害和隐藏的生物, bang on your car's hood to scare them away before you start your engine.
  • The best prescription for the winters is to keep your pets inside with you and your family. The happiest dogs are those who are taken out frequently for walks and exercised but kept inside for rest of time. 狗和猫是渴望人类陪伴的群居动物. Your animal companions deserve to live indoors with you and your family.


  • Pets that spend a lot of time outdoors need more food in the winter because keeping warm depleted energy. Routinely check your pet's water dish to make certain the water is fresh and not frozen. 使用塑料碗和水碗,而不是金属碗, when the temperature is low your pets tongue can stick and freeze to the metal.
  • Any outdoor pet needs to have shelter; they need a dog house that will last in all the weather conditions. 冬天,狗窝需要稻草来保暖. You need a dog house with large enough space allowing: separate sleeping and activity areas. 每只狗都必须会走路, 运行, 摇尾巴的时候不会碰到狗窝的侧面, 玩, stand on their hind legs and stretch or lie down without touching another animal or kennel.
  • 庇护所必须保护动物免受风雨和阳光直射. 狗应该能够移动到它们觉得更舒服的地方. 狗窝不是适合永久居住的环境.
    冬天,他们的狗窝里需要稻草, and check every few weeks to make sure they have enough inside their dog house. 不要用毯子,它们会变硬并结冰. 这并不能让动物保持温暖.
  • Provide constant access to clean drinking water and well balanced diet. 使用坚固的水碗并定期检查.
  • 确保你的狗能够正常行为, 提供日常锻炼的机会, play and interactions with animals and people outside of their kennel.
  • 确保你的狗有合适的陪伴. 不要让他们感到孤独或无聊. 不要让他们独自一人太久而成为痛苦. Distressed dogs may bark, howl, whine, excessively, pant, hind and or show aggression.
  • 每天检查你的狗是否受伤或生病. 确保他们免受痛苦、折磨、伤害和疾病. Take sensible safety precautions; be alert to risks that may affect them.
    You need a dog house for protections; any time of the year; we recommend you have a 6 foot tall fence around the dog house to protect the dog from other stray animals or wild animals. You can by a dog house from any pet supply store or you can build your own dog or cat house. These videos have been provided from Ron Hazelton 首页 improvements and The Furry Bambinos.
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